Sunday, September 13, 2009


So, today was my third Sunday in my new ward. That is the 236th ward of the BYU 15th stake. One of the speakers in Sacrament meeting inspired this new post. She was talking about how technology can be a way of spreading the gospel and encouraged us to post a blog with your testimony, or something to that effect. So here are just a few thoughts about our church.

I know that Joseph Smith was a true prophet who restored the same church that existed in Jesus' time.

I know that the Book of Mormon is the word of God and that it is "the most correct of any book on earth."

I know that Jesus Christ died for the sins of EVERYONE and because of it we can repent and become perfected in him.

I love the temple and the ordinances that are performed there (even though I don't know everything right now.)

I can't wait for the day that I can be sealed to my eternal companion.

I love Brigham Young University, the Lord's University, and the wonderful feeling that I have when I go to school.

I love student wards that are so strong and help us feel the spirit.

I love being a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints


Ie Li said...

Thank you for sharing your testimony. And of course BYU is the Lord's university! :)

I am so impressed with the woman you have become. You are beautiful inside and out, and indeed overflowing with spirituality. Thank you for being a good example to me. I love you, sis.

Michiko said...

I love you, and I loved hearing your testimony! Thanks for sharing, girlfriend!