The fourth of July is one of my most favorite holidays. I don't remember the last time it fell on a Sunday, but it did yesterday. I feel like most wards sing patriotic songs the Sunday before or after the fourth, but yesterday we sang patriotic songs and it was the real day--what a treat! I can't say that I'm extremely patriotic year round, but when the fourth rolls around, it's hard not to be.
I love this country and I love the freedoms we have. I am so grateful for all the sacrifices the founding fathers made for this country and the sacrifices that soldiers make for this country every day. And in the words of Lee Greenwood, "I'm proud to be an American." We sang
America the Beautiful for the closing hymn and everyone stood up and I couldn't help but get a little teary-eyed. America
is beautiful.
So, if anyone looks on my facebook, there is a little box under my picture that gives a pronunciation guide of my name because it's not uncommon for people to say it wrong and after the 3rd or 4th time of correcting someone I pretty much give up. Another thing that should be noted is that there are quite a few people in my family that have similar names. I'll just write down the ones that kind of sound alike:
Ie Mei
Ie Li
Ie Ling
Mei Li
AileeWell, yesterday I attended my sister's ward and they read in all the names of her family. I couldn't help but chuckle when they said
"I" Li Zackrison because it's not only a mispronunciation of Ie Li's name but also the name of my niece. Then we went to Relief Society and there was a conversation like this:
Nice lady 1: Are there any visitors?
Me: We're Ie Li Zackrison's sisters.
Nice lady 1: Well, we're glad to have you.
Nice lady 2: Oh, you have to listen to their names!
Me: I'm Ie Ling.
Ie Mei: I'm Ie Mei.
Nice lady 3: Oh that's beautiful! There's Ie Li,
Elaine, and Ie Mei. (I'm not sure why everyone hears Elaine when I say my name)
Nice lady 1: Oh that's right
Eli (Like the boy's name, Eli) was telling me that all the girls have Oriental names and the boys have American names...and it looks like she's doing the same!
It cracks me up at least. I don't ever really get upset when people say my name wrong, it makes for good stories.
After church Jonathan and I piled into the Tay Team vehicle and went on a tour of their old stomping grounds in Oakton. I was partially asleep while we were driving, but we pulled up to their old ward building and I sleepily said, "Holler if you see Sister Livingston (The mother of my dear friend, Gregory.)" There were obviously slim chances of that, but then Brad said, "There she is!" So we pulled up and she looked surprised to see the Taylors after a four year absence. She didn't realize I was in the car and said, "Greg's really had fun getting to know your sister!" to which Ie Mei replied, "Oh she's right here." And that was when I was introduced to the famous Sister Livingston who I had only heard about. This was the woman who sent grand packages to Greg during the year and after our brief meeting, it has been confirmed that she is indeed lovely.
On our way home we stopped at Bull Run which was pretty cool. We snapped a couple good shots.

We then hurried home so that Jonathan and I could grab a quick bite to eat and head to downtown for the fireworks display. Steve made us some delicious brats and then Barrett picked us up and we were off!
I don't think I'll ever be in D.C. for the fourth of July again, so I'm glad I was able to go to downtown. There is nothing as beautiful as watching the fireworks on the 4th of July, in the nation's capital, under the Washington Monument. I'm so glad I got to go and be around so many monuments dedicated to our nation's leaders and heroes on that special day.

We ended up walking about 1 hr and 45 min. to get back to our car that was parked at the Pentagon and then we were on our way home. It was a wonderful day. God Bless America.