Monday, July 19, 2010

Virginia is for Lovers: Day Twenty-One

What? I've been here for 21 days?! Crazy, I know. I feel like I can't even remember what I've been doing every day. Good thing I've been blogging everyday. I am quite proud of that. As I've mentioned so many times before, I've become friends with lots of kids from Virginia. One of them is Preston Redd. He has a wonderful mother named Cindy who I have become well acquainted with. We first met in California when I saw the BYU vs. Chapman lacrosse game. We met again in the spring when she came out to Provo to see her son, Taylor, play one of his final lacrosse games.
Well, long story short, Cindy and I are good friends now. She lives just a little ways away from Ie Li and was kind enough to invite us over to her lovely home today. Barrett picked Jonathan and me up and we headed over to the Redd's home. Barrett is such good friends with them that we just walked in through the back door. It reminds me of being back at BYU when people would just open our door and say hello. I miss those days. Anyway, back to Virginia.
When I walked into the kitchen I saw Cindy, Dillon, Becca, and Becca's friend, Frank. After meeting Becca I can say that I have officially met the entire Redd clan. They are indeed a wonderful family. We spent the afternoon lounging in the pool and playing pool volleyball. Jonathan and I joined up with Cindy and made a wonderful team. In terms of points, Barrett, Dillon, and JD won, but our team had a winning attitude, and that's all that really matters, right? Later on, Frank joined our team and Becca joined the other team and once again, we had winning attitudes =).
We talked and laughed as we dried off and then it was time to go. It was a beautiful afternoon. The weather was perfect, the pool was perfect, and the company was perfect. Thank you, Cindy, for a delightful afternoon.

Barrett dropped us off around dinner time and we decided that Five Guys was a good idea. So, Jonathan and I headed out to Five Guys and returned home with burgers for Ie Li and ourselves. I don't like to argue, so I'm not going to play the, "oh, In-N-Out is so overrated game." All I'm going to say is that I respect your right to enjoy Five Guys more than In-N-Out, and in return you can respect my views on In-N-Out as the greatest burger ever

After dinner, Ie Li and continued working on a project that we recently started: painting the kids' table. I love bonding with my sisters over crafts. There is something just so relaxing and enjoyable about it. This is close to what the final product looks like.

Next item on the to-do-list: chairs.
P.S. Thank you, Martha Stewart, for this lovely color.
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1 comment:

Preston Redd said...

What about Landon? You haven't met him have you? I guess he's not technically a Redd, so I think you're good. Anyways, I'm jealous of your party at my house :(