Tuesday, August 10, 2010

I survived

I personally think that my face isn't very swollen. Just a little bit along my jaw line. 

You'll never guess what's in this box:

My teeth!

Kind of gross, but kind of cool, right?

So they were able to get 3 of them out in one piece and then they had to break the other one. 

They didn't give me laughing gas, they just gave me local anesthesia. I've never been poked so many times in my mouth. I wasn't nervous at first, but when my mouth starting getting numb it hit me that I was going to be awake and this oral surgeon was going to be cutting into me and yanking and pulling and breaking things. 

After I saw the tools he was holding, I closed my eyes. I didn't want to see anything. My mom is a dentist and she wasn't bothered by it a bit. She actually stood right next to him while he did everything and they talked about all the techniques he was using.

 I couldn't feel anything, but at one point I wanted to cry for some reason. Then my mom grabbed my hand. Sometimes I think I'm all grown up and can do things all by myself, but you never really stop needing a mom.  It was such a comfort to me at that moment to have her there.

It all happened pretty fast and then I was out the door with gauze in both sides of my mouth. Gauze is not very delicious, especially with blood. Sorry. Was that too much information? I slept for a while and then woke up, anxious to eat. Luckily Cassie said she was stopping by with a treat. She brought me Ben & Jerry's and it was delicious. I ate it while I watched food network. Advice, don't watch food network when you're supposed to be on a liquid diet, especially the show, Best Thing I Ever Ate. It really is torture.

It's been a day and I'm still on my liquid diet, but hopefully tomorrow I can eat some real food. I will never take food for granted again.