Saturday, February 5, 2011

My New Job

These days I work at the Open Access Computer Labs on campus. Perks: Flexible hours, homework allowed, free printing, and I get to wear a cool lanyard with my name and picture on it. Downside: Not a whole lot to do and I feel guilty when not doing  my homework.

So of the two jobs I've held this year, the first one was boring because I was always busy and did the same thing over and over again and this one is a little boring because there isn't enough to do. I'm glad I don't have to have an on campus job for the rest of my life. I hope that I will find whatever work I'm in enjoyable and while I know I might have boring or hard days, for the most part, I hope I will love it.

So, like I said, I feel guilty when I don't do homework. Like today. I decided I would be crafty and make some customized valentines.  I found them on Shabby blogs. They're super easy. You can download them for free and then I just added my own text on PowerPoint. Let me know if you want any tips. The final product looks like this:

They're lollipop covers. Super cute, right? Anyway, hopefully I can get them where I want them to go by Valentine's Day. I love trying to be crafty. It can keep me occupied for today. Homework will have to wait till later.

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