Sunday, July 18, 2010

Virginia is for Lovers: Day Nineteen

Mei Li and Ie Li went to a birthday party yesterday and Steve went golfing, so that meant that Uncle Jonathan and Auntie Ie Ling got Stephen all to ourselves. We soaked up the sun at the pool for an hour and forty-five minutes and finally headed home. Stephen was an angel at the pool. All he needs is some sort of pool toy and the baby pool and he's golden.

Later in the afternoon I ran some errands for Ie Li. This was the highlight of the day. Why? Because I bought a t-shirt! And not just any ordinary t-shirt. THE t-shirt. The t-shirt whose words have been the title of my blog posts for the last 19 days. THIS t-shirt:

I couldn't possibly leave Virginia without getting one. I also picked up one for Ie Li and Jonathan. I was thinking that maybe we could wear them all on the same day and go matching to the mall. It wouldn't be the first time it's happened. For those of you who'd like to hear the story, read on.
One summer back in 2003 or 2004, I stayed with Jeremy and Michiko in their San Francisco apartment. I woke up and got dressed in a navy blue shirt and some khakis. When I looked at baby Kai, I noticed that he was wearing a navy blue shirt also. And then I had a brilliant idea! We should all wear navy blue shirts and be matching and we can see if Jeremy notices when he gets home from school.
Naturally when he got home, Michiko and I just looked at him until he noticed and he probably said something like, "you goobers" and laughed at us. We were going to head over to the mall and we thought it'd be funny if he joined the matching party. For some reason, he agreed, and all 5 of us hopped in the car in matching outfits.
We walked through the mall for about 15 minutes. We got lots of stares and laughs and finally we couldn't handle the ridicule. Jokes. It really wasn't that bad, but we did leave quite soon after we arrived, it really was a little embarrassing. Any time we match I say, "Well maybe we can all go to the mall now." And Jeremy, Michiko, and I can't help but chuckle at our funny experience in good old San Francisco.
And how could I forget! Congratulations to my beautiful friend, Cassie MacLennan. She is now engaged to Benjamin Tremblay and I am so excited for them!
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Preston Redd said...

I'm jealous, not only because of the shirt but because of Virginia. P.S. I better hear good reviews about today's events.

Michiko said...

haha. One of my favorite memories! We should do it again sometime... NOT! But maybe we should. Just cuz it'd be funny. :)