Friday, January 21, 2011

I like food...

especially when it is homemade. Last Friday, Blake and I took on the task of making a homemade BBQ chicken pizza, all from scratch. We even made our own dough! After mixing the dough, we went for a quick run in the Smith Fieldhouse on the indoor track and we let our dough rise. We came back STARVING, so instead of being patient and letting the dough get to the right size, we just decided to flatten it out onto the pan.

Blake did the most wonderful job. I was so impressed by his cooking skills. I hopped in the shower real quick while the pizza was baking and came back to a beautifully set table. We DEVOURED our pizza and my oh my it was delicious! Some of the best pizza I've had. Maybe I'm biased, but it was just so incredibly good. I'm craving it right now as I type this at work...

Then we made some delicious great harvest cookies and ate some graham canyon ice cream from the BYU creamery. I think it may be my new favorite ice cream flavor.  Graham cracker ice cream with chocolate covered graham cracker bits. Try it next time you're at the Y. WONDERFUL.

We ended our night by watching The Sandlot. Blake is really good at quoting movies, but The Sandlot is one of his favs. He looooves baseball. We actually didn't even need to watch it, because he can just quote the whole movie. (A little bit of an exaggeration, but not much.) It was a great date.


jennica said...

I LOVE graham canyon icecream. its my very very favorite!

tAy-Team said...

Looks like you two make a great team!