Thursday, May 5, 2011

Catching up

I need to make a separate post for my little weekend get away to California a month ago.

Jonathan and I are intramural champions. I am so glad that I have a cool t-shirt, but most of all I'm glad I got one with my brother. 

Blake and I went to a baseball game and dyed eggs with his little brother, Mason. Blake knows everything about baseball. I just really enjoy the food. We had a hot dog and cracker jacks and I had my very first cougar tail =). I haven't dyed eggs in such a long time and I'm glad I finally got around to it this year. 

It's wedding season. I did Cassie's hair on Friday night for a wedding and she was able to salvage it for a wedding she was in on Saturday. Is it ok to say that I'm quite proud of my creation? I'm so excited to go to hair school when I graduate. 

Speaking of hair, I did a project in my Services Management class about a salon. I worked with a girl in my class, Maranda. 

This semester we had the option of taking a final exam or doing a project with a 20 page paper and 20-30 minute presentation. I didn't want to study a lot so I opted for the project. I had attended a Women in Business luncheon last spring and Maranda was also in attendance and we went around the room saying what we wanted to do with our business degree. I mentioned I wanted to go to hair school and maybe open a salon one day and she mentioned that she was a stylist and wanted to get a degree and maybe own her own salon one day. 

So, I noticed she was in my class this semester and thought maybe we could team up and talk hair and it wouldn't feel like work but more like fun. 

I was super nervous for my presentation 2 weeks ago and was ready to be done with it. By the end of the presentation, I thought we had done ok and I survived. Turns out my professor really liked it and asked us to do it again so he could film it and use it for future semesters as an example of what a good presentation is. So, we presented it again last week and were filmed. I'll let you all know when it's available for viewing =)

So, back to hair, Maranda, being the awesome stylist that she is, cut my hair this week. I love it.  

Tomorrow I'm leaving for La Ciudad de Mexico para visitar mi hermana y su familia! Estoy muy emocionada!

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