Wednesday, May 11, 2011

I'm in Mexico!

My adventures in Mexico City began on Friday when I woke up at 3 AM to get to the airport at 4:00. I realized later that this wasn't necessary for a morning flight, but they said that for international flights I should be 3 to 4 hours early. Ie Mei and the little girls picked me up right on time and we made our way home to unload my stuff and picked up Lance from school.

Friday night we went to an event at the children's museum for Mead Johnson and it was way fun. We watched a 3D movie and played.

The clowns (payasos) made things out of balloons for the kids. Flowers for the girls and swords and belts for the boys. After they finished with Ailee's, she said, "Muchas gracias, clown!" 

We got free yummy snacks and took a picture with Pancho Pantera, a mascot for Mead Johnson. The popcorn was no good. Pizza was no good. My crepe on a stick, delicious. And that spiral thing that Ie Mei has, it's potato with ketchup and hot sauce. I liked that one too, but it would've been better warm.

Saturday we made a little trip to the temple to look around and then headed to Coyoacan. It only took us a couple hours to get there because we got lost, but we made it eventually. It was a really picturesque place. There were so many vendors along the streets and places to buy ice cream and candy. My first meal out in Mexico was at Cafe Kowloon, a Chinese restaurant. I think I will stick to my Golden China in South Pasadena, CA, but it wasn't the worst thing. If you zoom in and see that middle dish, it's Kung Pao Chicken. It was very different than the stuff I get in the states and once again, not my fav. 

Sunday I went to Ie Mei and Brad's ward. They go to the Palmas ward which is a Spanish ward. I took 4 years of Spanish in high school, but it's been a few years since I've used it except for a little conversation with Jonathan. The talks were harder to understand except when Elder Olson spoke because he's American and spoke slowly and clearly. He is the man that introduced my mom to the church and baptized her and is now on a mission with his wife in Mexico City.

Understanding Sunday school and Relief Society was a little better and I was able to converse with some people after church. The Mexican people are extremely kind and very eager to make everyone feel welcome and loved.

After church we went and visited El Castillo. It was lovely indeed. It reminded me of my time in Spain and France when we would tour lovely castles. The gardens on the roof were my favorite. 

Mother's Day in Mexico is celebrated every year on May 10, so Ie Mei decided that we would have all the missionary couples over for dinner since they weren't able to be with their kids. Brad went to the flower market and bought a beautiful array of gerber daisies and fillers and we made several bouquets. I felt like we had our own little flower shop in the kitchen. I wish I had some of Jennica's flower arranging skills, but I think we did a pretty good job.

I was so impressed by Ie Mei's willingness to host 6 people despite her already full house. She is always thinking of others and I'm so glad I get to spend all this time with her. She is such a good example to me. 

And since I didn't get a chance to post about my mom on Mother's day, I'll include a little something about her. My mom is amazing. She is so hard-working and tender-hearted. Always willing to help anyone in need. She teaches me so much still and I love her so much. She is beautiful. Inside and out. I am striving every day to be more like her. 


jennica said...

Oh Ie ling!! Your flowers look incredible! You are so cute and I miss you already! It sounds like u are having great adventures there and I'm sup jeal! Have so much fun!

Tisha said...

just caught up on your blog! so fun that you get to be with your sister in Mexico City! Wow! I bet she is loving it! Sounds like things are going well for you! I LOVED Cassie's hair in the wedding pic! WOW! I'm very excited for you to open a salon someday, just open a branch in Raleigh! Loved hearing your testimony too, being at BYU is such a blessing and amazing experience! and YOU are a great asset to the school as well! love and miss you!