Monday, June 29, 2009

I bore people to sleep

Today is Monday and Brad left for a high adventure trip with the Young Men. Ie Mei had to help drive people there and it was 2.5 hours away. What this meant was that she was gone for 5 hours starting at 6. She took Lance and Ailee with her so I was only in charge of Mylee and Jackson. Jackson is an early riser. He was up at 5:30 and was so kind to let me sleep in until 7:00. He mentioned he was bored and had nothing to do. I asked him if he had done all his work already. He replied by saying, "Yes. I've also done my piano and read three times." And I thought that adults were supposed to be the responsible ones. He wasn't allowed to have media time today so I started saying, "You can draw, you can read Harry Potter, you can jump on the trampoline..." all to which he replied NO.

A little bit later I convinced him to make some origami with me, which he thought was somewhat entertaining. Finally around 10:30 he said that he was tired and really bored; so bored that he got a blanket and decided to take a nap on the floor. This is a 9-year old boy who barely ever sleeps except for bed time. It's even rare for him to fall asleep on long road trips! I know I'm not the most exciting person in the world but I didn't know I was capable of boring someone to sleep.

Monday, June 22, 2009

two thousand, one hundred sixty point four

That's how many miles I drove with Ie Mei, Brad, and the rest of the tay-team! We went through San Bernardino.

We camped in Flagstaff, Arizona. That was cold.

We stayed a night in Amarillo, Texas.

We continued on through Oklahoma, Missouri, Illinois, and finally arrived in Indiana.

I am having a fabulous time. It is just a bit humid, but it does feel quite cleansing. I don't think I've ever appreciated a cold shower as much as I do now.

We took a walk along the Ohio River Sunday afternoon and it was beautiful.

p.s. ie li, you just need to photoshop yourself in right between me and ie mei =)