Monday, March 29, 2010

Food Preparation in the Home

SFL 110.

This is one of my favorite classes this semester. It doesn't even feel like a class because it's so fun. This is one of my creations. Apple pie. I made the crust from scratch, peeled and sliced the apples, made a lattice top, and here is the finished product. It was delicious, and I think it looks quite lovely.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Look what I created...

Home made egg rolls for my dinner group:

I thought they turned out pretty good for my first time all by myself.

On Thursday I had the opportunity to watch my best friend's a Capella group sing at the a Capella jam and she did such a great job =) Love you, Cassie girl!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


On Sunday we had a great lesson in relief society on the creation. Our teacher focused more on how we can create. She showed a Mormon message video that featured President Dieter F. Uchtdorf:

It made me think about how even though I don't think of myself as creative most of the time, I can't paint or draw or anything super artistic, I don't need to produce something concrete to be creative. A girl made a wonderful comment that just by smiling we can create happy feelings in someone. I love that idea that making someone smile is a form of creativity.

This also inspired me to be more creative in the more conventional sense as well. I have a new desire to do crafts and develop some talents that I've been given. But most of all, I hope I can focus more one using my creativity to make people smile.

Monday, March 15, 2010

A sports-filled weekend

On Saturday I spent a lot of hours and sporting events. It started off with my roommate's rugby game. Then I watched my ward's mens' 3 on 3 basketball tournament. My friends that live in South 7 won.
Then I braved the cold and watched the BYU Mens' Lacrosse game. We won 29-2 and despite the cold, it was a fun adventure =)

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Goodbye teens

Well, another year has come and gone. I'm now 20 years old. That's weird to type. The past month has been filled with lots of fun birthday experiences including:

heart-shaped cupcakes from my visiting teachers
a visit from my brother-in-law
a weekend home with my parents and brothers and their families
a trip to disneyland
a BYU lacrosse game with a best friend from high school
a birthday party with lots of treats, a "bartender" and a pinata
a visit from my beautiful sister, Ie Li
a trip to Sundance to snowboard for the first time
a present from my best friend, Katie: Banana Pops--they were delicious
a goal to blog at least twice a week--thank you Greg and Preston for letting me in on your project =)

My birthday month has been lots of fun and I'm looking forward to my twenty-first year of life. Hopefully it will be better documented than previous ones. Thanks for all my wonderful birthday wishes from family and friends. I love you all.

P.S. My sister-in-law, Michiko, just reminded me about some events that I missed. On the morning of my birthday we ate breakfast burritos at Hi-Life. Ten minutes after we left, I realized I didn't have my phone. We went back and couldn't see it anywhere. Luckily I had a big brother nice enough to dig through the trash for me. We still didn't find it...which was a bummer when I got my new phone because I had all these people wishing me happy birthday and I had no idea who they were! So, that was my least favorite part of my birthday, but it must not have been that bad because I completely forgot to document it!