Thursday, April 12, 2012

I miss blogging! Thanks Jen!

I'm pretty sure I have zero readers these days. But, I miss it and Jennica tagged me in a post and therefore I must use this opportunity to blog again!

Post these rules.
Answer the 11 questions that the tagger posted for you.
Create 11 questions of your own to ask the people that you're about to tag.
Tag 11 people and link them with you post (and let them know they've been tagged)

1. Why did you start blogging?

I'm the youngest of six and my sisters and sisters-in-law who were married and having children were always blogging about their fun days with pictures and I didn't want to be left out. I started it in high school, but wasn't very committed to it until college.

2. Favorite store?

Oh, J. Crew is pretty awesome, except I can't afford anything there, so Banana and GAP are probably my faves and for some reason the jeans that fit me best are from American Eagle.

3. What cheers you up on a crappy day?

Chocolate and pouting. HA. Isn't that pathetic? I like to be whiney and complain and Blake lets me, which is nice. And I love it when he snuggles me and plays with my hair. That makes me feel a lot better.

4. Where do you see yourself in five years?

Hair Stylist for the stars! Or just a hair stylist =). Probably a small little family, maybe living abroad.

5. Chocolate or Vanilla?

Chocolate. See number 3.


6. Spring Must Have?

Anything and everything bright and patterned. I have too many solid-colored things. I've been eyeing this dress floating around pinterest, only to find that it's not for sale in the US. Sad.


7. All time favorite move?

Anne of Green Gables. Anne is so dramatic and all the characters are perfect. Gilbert and Anne were meant for each other.


8. Who/What inspires you?

People who are happy. And most of the time they're happy because they are so kind and giving. I have always wanted to be that person, but I find that I have faults like most people, but I can always strive to do better!

9. Random fact about yourself?

I met Megan Follows. It's my claim to fame. For those of you who are not Anne of Green Gables enthusiasts, she is Anne. THE Anne. I won't write all about it, but instead refer you to this post that I wrote back in high school when I met her. It was a great day!

10. Dream travel spot?

I sound like a wannabe Anne of Green Gables enthusiast, but I swear it's real. I've always wanted to visit Prince Edward Island, but that is a trip reserved for me and my most kindred spirits--my sisters. Other than that I don't have very many specific dream travel spots, except I would love to go somewhere tropical (not hawaii though) with clear blue waters and warm, sandy beaches.

11. If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?

To think more about others than I do myself. 

And...I don't really have 11 people to tag, but if you think this is fun, please do it!