Saturday, March 14, 2009

monthly update

hello ielingslife blog followers, Ie Li, Ie Mei, Michiko, Vanessa, and Tisha. Here is an update from the last month. Most recently, Austin Keith entered the MTC on March 11,2009.

Note: awkward physical contact at all, i promise.

To cheer me up, my roommate Jordan gave me these:

the flowers are beautiful. they're still red as ever sitting on my desk in my dorm. the ice cream is delicious but most things are from ben & jerry's. i have to try really hard not to eat all of it at once.

Today was a wonderful day. I was able to do baptisms for the dead at the Salt Lake Temple. Now, I know that it doesn't matter where you do them, the same thing is accomplished, but boy was that baptistry beautiful. I've never seen one so lovely and intricate. There were only 5 girls who went so we each got to do 20 names. It was a wonderful experience. =) We took a picture in front of the conference center waterfall before we left:

Note (left to right): lauren from texas, cassie from california, ME, erin from california, katy from colorado(relief society pres)

there was a nice older gentleman in the temple today and he told me that his daughter-in-law was from monrovia. and then i was like hmm...i know ie li's friend, eliza, is from monrovia...i wonder if it's her but then i couldn't find him afterwards to ask. turns out, i'm right. you's a small world, but it's even smaller when you're LDS.


Tisha said...

cake batter ben and jerrys!! wow! I haven't tried it yet- and yeah for baptisms at the SLC temple- you girls look great- (I've never been to the baptistry there- will have to do that)....... sorry about the boy leaving :) but it's all for a good cause right! :) thanks for the update!! xoxoxo- give cassie my love too!!

Ie Li said...

That is so funny that you met Eliza's FIL in the temple. I still haven't talked to her about it. I keep on forgetting.