Thursday, June 10, 2010

"It's Not Just a Show"

I just want to share a few things about my roommate, Cassie. I love her a lot. We can connect on a lot of different levels: knowing the names of too many OPI nail polishes and bonding over dramatic shows are just a couple. We do our nails on a regular basis together and if we don't watch our shows together, we always have a discussion.

So the point of this blog. Recently, Grey's Anatomy had it's most dramatic season finale EVER. I can't imagine that many of my readers watch it, but I'll give a heads up anyway, this will be a little bit of a spoiler. So, in the finale, there is a shooter in the hospital and he is shooting everyone because Derek Shepherd(Patrick Dempsy) unplugged this man's wife from life support according to her orders. This man had begged and begged him not to do it, but Shepherd went through with it anyway. So, this man comes shooting everyone in the hospital including Derek, in front of his wife, Meredith, who just found out she was pregnant that day and hasn't told him yet.

Cassie gets very invested in her shows. She had a definite panic attack while watching the show and claimed that they were shooting all her friends. So, I got some of it on video, and it never fails to make me laugh.


jennica said...

ie ling!!! i love you for capturing this on video. this explains cassie to a T. hehehe.

Unknown said...

I love every second of it.