Saturday, January 15, 2011

The Christmas Season

has come and gone. I feel like I've been so busy, or at least I just haven't made any time to blog. So before I forget more details than I already have, let's have a small recap of the last little while.

Jonathan and I drove to South Pasadena for Thanksgiving. It was way too short. Mom made way too much food and I ate too much of it. She had a ridiculous list of food items and insisted on making everything herself. So, it was a long day in the kitchen, but I love bonding with mom over food. She is the greatest cook and I hope to be able to cook delicious feasts like her one day.

One thing I loved doing this December was eating chocolates from my advent calendar with Blake. I can proudly say we never missed a day.

It brought back great memories of my childhood when Jonathan and I couldn't stop ourselves from eating them. Sometimes we would say to each other, "We can eat two today, and we'll just skip tomorrow..." I think we ended up finishing all our chocolates way before Christmas Eve. But we did get some good sibling memories from it. 

Finals began and ended. It's good to have those over with. It's crazy to think that I only have to go through that two more times and then I'll be graduated. 

Blake and I took a little road trip to St. George after finals to visit with Ie Mei and Brad and the rest of the Taylor clan. We ate a delicious dinner on Sunday evening and then played some games. We also brought Vern with us. Vern is Blake's tortoise and the kids were in heaven. They all took turns trying to shove lettuce into his shell and it was an adorable sight to behold. 

This little lady put my heels on and strutted her stuff.

She also twirled around in her princess night gown and told everyone, "I'm the princess!"

Mylee gladly sat on my lap and posed for a picture with us before bedtime.

The next day we woke up bright and early to go over to the Greg and Kristi Taylor's home to help them with their amazing play room. It turns out you don't have to be a kid to enjoy it...or maybe I still am a kid? I don't know, but it is so cool. We helped paint it and as a thank you, we got taken to lunch at Cafe Rio. One of my favorites.

With little time left, Blake and I got started on our journey back to Provo. We stopped to get gas and Blake picked up some treats for us. He came back with some banana creme flavored Reese's because they were on sale. When we opened the package the chocolate was all grainy and old looking. I couldn't get myself to try it, but Blake did! It's no wonder they were only 30 cents. 

We hit a huge storm on our way back and Blake was late for work, but it was a fabulous weekend with family and friends.

Christmas was absolutely wonderful. It is a little bit difficult to fit 26 people into our humble South Pasadena home, but it is definitely worth it if it means I get to be with all my siblings and their little ones. This was the first Christmas we've all been together since Ie Li's wedding, I think, when she obviously had no kids. Now she has three! My oh my how time flies. 

Highlights included having our own nativity scene with the cast comprising of West grandkids and Hippie Hippo,

going to the beach

and running around outdoors and playing baseball.

 Eating is both a blessing and a curse. It's great to have a lot of delicious food to choose from for every meal, except when you decide that it's better to just eat everything.

Mom and Ailee at it again in the kitchen.
But lucky for me, I'm running for my life this semester with Blake!

There is a program through the intramural office that is called "Run for your Life." If you run 150 miles over the semester, you get a t-shirt! So that equates to roughly 10 miles a week. So, as of today, January 15, we have completed 14 miles. We got off to a slow start coming from break, but we'll get there! 

I have lots more to write about, but we'll save it for a different post, since this is technically supposed to be about Christmas. Yay for blogging again!

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