Monday, April 4, 2011

Another Semester is Ending

Besides not having anymore tests or homework, the thing I love most about a semester coming to an end is hearing all my professors bear testimony. Today I had one professor teach about ethics and how there is no amount of money that can compensate for being unethical.

Another professor spent our entire class period talking about general conference. It wasn't just a random tangent either. He specifically sets aside one class period every semester after general conference to talk about highlights. He went around the entire classroom and had everyone share something. I shared that I really enjoyed Paul V. Johnson's talk about trials and how if we handle them properly they can be a strength for us and help us build our character. But of course all the talks are wonderful. I am so excited for the text to come out on Thursday so I can go back and read all of them and ponder them more fervently.

I am so lucky to go to Brigham Young University, the Lord's university, and to be a member of this church. I am grateful for parents who had the courage to join the church and stay strong all these years and raise my siblings and me in a gospel-centered home. I know that I can be perfected through the atonement of my Lord and savior, Jesus Christ and one day return to live with Him again.

1 comment:

Ben & Cassie said...

What a good post ie ling! although i am still waiting for collage #2! Love you