Thursday, March 10, 2011

New this Week

My BYU ID expired three weeks ago. I had been meaning to go into the ID Center and get a new picture taken, but I couldn't just take it on any random day in between classes because I'm a girl and feel like I should look pretty in my picture. So, a couple weeks ago, I woke up, showered, dried my hair, straightened it, did my makeup and put on some cute clothes for my picture. 

When I walked into the ID Center, they asked me for my ID. I didn't bring it because I thought I was getting a new one...that makes sense to me, but maybe that's just me? Anyway, they told me something ridiculous that in order to get my new ID without paying $10 dollars, I had to have my old ID, so it's taken me a couple extra weeks to find time to get it done. Anyway, I got a new ID picture yesterday and I really like it. Not that anyone looks at it besides me, and now all of you!

It's good right? Minus the little elf ear that's poking out? And now I'm noticing that my sweater covers my shirt on one side but not the other...but like I said, no one will look at it, but me. 

This past weekend I had a Friday night to myself. I decided to listen to The Bachelor in the background while I worked on a little craft. I keep wanting to be a part of the cute headband crowd but sometimes I feel like I look like it's my first day of kindergarten, but occasionally I feel confident wearing them. Anyway, that was a tangent. What I meant to say is that I made a new flower attachment for my headbands. It looks like this:

I feel like it looks better in person than on my cell phone camera, but I could be wrong. Anyway, I think it looks cute and if you're wondering how to make it, you can find instructions here. A guy in my ward borrowed my needle and thread so I resorted to a hot glue gun which may be easier, but maybe not as neat. It works though.

Provo is warming up. For some reason I keep thinking it's just a little break from the winter cold, but I'm realizing that in just 10 days it'll be spring! I love Provo in the spring and summer. I really think there isn't a happier place. But I'll post more about my spring feelings when it's actually here. Other than that I'm just here at my desk in the Open Access Computer Labs. And while we're talking about the labs, I had a funny conversation this morning with one of the computer technicians.

Matthew: Ie Ling! How's everything going in the SWKT labs this morning?
Ie Ling:'s...
Matthew: But first, on a scale of 1-10, how much do you love the sun shining today?
Ie Ling: I'm sure I'd love it, except I haven't seen it yet...

Sadly, my walk to work begins around 6:45 in the  morning and I work in the basement of the SWKT. But as soon as I'm off at 11:00, I'm off to enjoy the sunshine. Matthew says I'll really like it. I'm excited =).


jennica said...

Ie ling! you are adorable! I love your ID picture. Mine expired on February 6 and I also have not found the time to get up there and take a picture. I think you have inspired me for next week.
also, love the headband. total pro.
we are thinking girls night next sautrday the 19th. please say you are in! but thats so far away, we should also play this saturday!

Ie Li said...

You are gorgeous, sis! I'm sorry it took so long to see the sunshine. Sunshine is so important! ;)