Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Recent Ramblings on Mexico

This is going to be jumbled up because it's been a little while since I've blogged, but I just wanted to share some highlights from the past little while. In no particular order:

Mexico Traffic is still crazy and hilarious. I think it's funny how when a traffic light goes out everyone starts honking their horns. Last I checked, honking doesn't make the traffic lights work. But I guess I understand if they just really want to let their stress out, I'd probably end up honking my horn too if I was stuck in gridlock in Mexico City.

The other day we picked Brad up from work and we saw this:

That is a trailer that has lot its owner. A trolebus (trolley bus) is trying to squeeze past it to get to its next stop. A few minutes later we located the truck. I'm not sure how the trolebus managed to squeeze past this...perhaps it didn't and was the cause for Mexico City's traffic that day.

Last weekend Brad and Ie Mei went on a romantic getaway. I watched the four little ones. Sometimes I become super uptight auntie and boss them around which is really mean, so I made sure to just be fun. The kids went to bed around 10 PM on Friday and I let them watch star wars 3 times in a 24 hour period. But, we did do some fun things like have a picnic in the back yard. 

Ailee had this to say about it:

Jackson's been dying for me to put up videos. So, this is for Jackson mostly, not because I want to show off how good I am at sword duels, because that is clearly not the case.

I am going to miss tacos off the street: this was my third and final time having Mexican street food, well for this visit at least. I hope to come back and eat it again soon.

We've had plenty of fun in the kitchen making everything from beef and broccoli to orange rolls to rainbow cake! Pictures of rainbow cake to come.

Last Friday we went to the most beautiful outdoor mall. It had a bunch of ritzy stores but that's not the reason it  felt like heaven. It was the most beautiful day and it was early evening and the sun was setting and they have fountains everywhere and it's so peaceful and basically, I just wouldn't mind taking a stroll around that mall every night this summer. Maybe it's just the summer air that I love so much.

I meant to post this while I was in Mexico, but now I'm home so I will have to post a couple more about Mexico from California, but enjoy these random things!


kara said...

that video is ADORABLE!

tAy-Team said...

Missing you in Mexico!