Tuesday, May 17, 2011

More adventures

Today was a wonderful day full of new adventures. Ie Mei is part of a club here in Mexico City for people who are not native to Mexico. They get together for luncheons and activities and have various charities that they help out with. Ie Mei has been involved with making baby blankets for a hospital in Mexico that delivers 25-30 babies a day. I don't know too much about it, but Ie Mei does!

Today was baby blanket day! We went to a woman's house and made 119 blankets that we get to deliver later this month! It was such a fun and rewarding experience and I'm excited that I get to go deliver them with Ie Mei and see the people that will benefit from them.

So giving service is another thing I'm loving in Mexico. One thing I am not falling in love with is the traffic. I've never seen anything like it and I'm from LA!! It is absolutely ridiculous. I dread getting in the car because after 10 minutes I feel like I've been at sea for hours.

No one follows traffic laws here. Brother Medrano was driving us around Polanco and I saw the words "ALTA" on a sign which means stop in Spanish. I got my body all ready for the stop, but it never came. You pretty much get to pick and choose which driving laws to follow.

Ie Mei gave Mexican driving a try and she's really good at it. We ran a red light on our way to the church for our Relief Society activity. I'm partially joking. She is very good at driving amongst all the chaos here. I don't know that I could ever do it unless I was forced to.

Other than the worse than usual traffic, today was yet again, a wonderful day. Ailee and I had a photo shoot:

1 comment:

kyliemaclennan@gmail.com said...

you look like you're having such a good time! and your pictures are so so so cute. I love reading your blog so keep them coming :) I miss you tons ie ling. love you!