Sunday, August 15, 2010

Tomorrow is always Fresh

I made Saturday more productive than the previous days.

I had breakfast with a best friend. We made French toast together.

I started reading a book.

We recently cleaned out our basement and a lot of boxes have been sitting on our driveway begging to be looked through. This job fell to Jonathan and me. We've been working on it for the past couple days and today as we neared the end, I was ready to call the rest of it junk and leave it in the dumpster. But, something in me kept saying, "But...What if there's something special in there?" So, I diligently looked through everything and found some real gems. 

I found some really great pictures of when I was little. This may not seem too amazing for some, but I'm the last of six children and it takes some digging to find pictures of myself. Because I'm extremely lazy, I haven't scanned any, but one day I will. Anyway, it was cool because I found a family portrait that I'd never seen before from when I was about one and a half or so and I thought to myself, "Oh, so that's what I looked like." I guess I don't have a very good idea of what I looked like as a baby and that's why I loved the pictures so much.

But, even greater than the pictures I found are love letters from my dad to my mom. They're from 1973, when they were only engaged. Some are from when my dad was doing an audit in Venezuela. It is so touching to read words like, "I worry about you a lot. Are you getting enough sleep?" 

I think I love his closing paragraphs most and I just want to document some of them in case I don't see these again for a while:
"I wish only to have you near me. Until that dream comes true. I remain your distant fiancĂ©e."

"Sweetheart, you have really soured my bachelor life, nothing seems to go as well without you now. You made life so much more, there is no comparison to what it was before. Remember that  I love you still and more each passing day."

"Amy, you deserve the very choicest blessings the Lord can bestow. I know sometimes that you get tired and frustrated with school. Remember that the Lord is there and cares.
There is also a guy that is thinking about you too. I don't want to divulge his full name but his first name is Howard."

I could probably type up something from every single letter that I love, but I'll do that in my journal or something. I love reading how much my dad cares about my mom and seeing glimpses of his testimony. I know that one day I'll find a guy who loves me so much and loves the Lord even more and that we can be together for ETERNITY. 


Michiko said...

adorable! Good thing you kept looking through those boxes. I really like that Howard guy. :)

Ie Li said...

I started tearing up a bit! Who knew Dad was such romantic? Thanks for continuing your search.