Thursday, July 29, 2010

Day at the Museum

Wednesday: July 28, 2010

We planned to leave at 9:00 AM in order to get to the Mormon Battalion Museum around 10:00 AM, however, life can be pretty unpredictable with lots of kids. But, we did make it there eventually.

It was a super cool tour. Both the kids and the adults had a wonderful time. I may or may not have been really embarrassed when Brad started clapping along to the music in the movie--he was the only one--and didn't stop until the movie had ended. I looked for my friend's sister who is supposed to be serving there, but later found out that she doesn't arrive for another week.  Anyway, we got this great picture to remember our visit.

Later on Jonathan and I headed to Oceanside with the Tay team to have a little fun in the sand. We came back to a wonderful dinner prepared by Michiko for my mom's birthday dinner. She's now like 35 or something ;). Happy Birthday, Mom!

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