Friday, July 16, 2010

Virginia is for Lovers: Day Eighteen

Today was hot, therefore we ran through the sprinklers =). I joined in the fun, but forgot to wear waterproof mascara, and therefore opted out of pictures. But that's ok, we managed to get pictures of these cuties having fun.

After the kids went to bed I went on a little run around Ie Li's neighborhood. Even though it's super warm and sticky, it is quite cleansing to run in this humid weather. I'm thinking of getting into running a bit more seriously, but we shall see.

After my run, Jonathan and I sat down to watch a couple episodes of Castle as we have been doing for the past week or so. We're making our way through season two. We seem to bond over shows and movies. It's fun.

And in this day and age, I can't seem to go to bed without checking facebook right before. Two wonderful things that I saw on facebook. Barrett got his mission call to Riverside, California, Spanish speaking. He reports September 1 and I'm so excited for him. Maybe he'll run into my Aunt Scarlet out there.

This next thing was a definite highlight of my day. I've watched it about six times in the last hour.

And if it doesn't seem very funny, then chances are you haven't seen this:


Unknown said...

I haven't seen the old one in a while and it is much funnier now.

Michiko said...

Oh... NOW I get it! I saw it on Ie Li's blog, and though I thought it was "different", I didn't get the reference. :) Both guys are cute though! :)

Michiko said...

I should add - "but not as cute as my hubby, who i dearly love!" ha ha